Our Nifty Team

Our team answers, "If you had one statement to share with advisors, what would it be?"

Michelle J. Wong Founder, CEO

“Success does not look the same every day. Be proud of any progress that you make.”

Lesley Sun, CFP® Servicing Team Lead

“Keeping your processes simple and organized is one of the easiest ways to help you and your clients – make things too complicated and no one will want to work with it!”

Amanda Yeager Advisor Advocate

“Educating clients and building those personal relationships is one of the greatest feelings ever, and being able to do these things for advisors is what makes me truly happy.”

Sandra Koengeter Advisor Advocate

“If you have a clear value proposition and strong workflows to support your vision you will be successful with support.”

Kaylie Baird Advisor Advocate & Paraplanner

“Being organized is key.”

Jae Chung Paraplanner

“Helping a client communicate about money with one’s spouse is as valuable as the financial advice.”

Stuart McLemore, CFP®, MBA Paraplanner

“Minimize your use of financial jargon with clients or prospective clients unless you immediately explain what you’re talking about or you’re 100% sure sure that they already know what you’re talking about.”

Ben Pieroni Advisor Advocate

“Always remember to follow your north star of putting your client’s needs first. At the end of the day, we are in this industry because we are committed to and have a firm belief in the virtue of service.”

Steph Hidalgo Creative Designer

“Embrace change and uncertainty, for within them lie the seeds of innovation and opportunity.”

Angela Berkley Marketing Team Lead

“Marketing is not an expense but an investment in the growth and success of your business. I truly enjoy the challenge of helping clients build a brand and achieve their business goals.”

Lauryn Dixon Creative Designer

“Always make room for learning. You never know it all.”

Daniel Calderon Advisor Advocate

“The opportunity we all have to help is so amazing.  Even the things that might seem small to us may have a major impact for our clients.”

Karl Burrell Advisor Advocate

“In the financial services industry, it is important for us to stay informed, adaptable and empathetic to our clients’ needs. In doing so, we help them navigate the uncertainties and achieve their financial goals.”

Janelle Manalili Advisor Advocate

“You can’t ignore the younger generation today if you want to stay in business tomorrow.”

Nita Mukherjee Paraplanner

“Your health is wealth! Always remember to take care of yourself while working on your business.”

Kei Lincoln, CFP® Planning Team Lead

“From Olympian Jim Stovall: ‘You need to be aware of what others are doing, applaud their efforts, acknowledge their successes, and encourage them in their pursuits. When we all help one another, everybody wins.'”

Shubhani Rathi Administrative Assistant

“Success is a journey. Not a destination!”